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Hamad General Hospital Expansion Project
作者:admin    发布于:2014-5-7 17:25:29    文字:【】【】【

HGH is a modern hospital in Doha Qatar. It was innovated and expanded at the beginning of 2014. It adopts the special aluminum sun louver for facade application to integrate architectural shading and decoration.

Base on architect’s design style, Winsom R&D team specially developed L-shaped aluminum sun louver profile with 7mm thickness and 5-7m length. The profiles are regularly drilled through CNC technique and notched into geometrical line. Through the metal rhythm, orderliness and geometric design of 2535 pcs of customized profiles, it outlines modern and simple façade style

With fixed and vertical installation, the louver blocks direct sunlight entering indoor to avoid glazing and decrease the heat radiation, which create a comfortable environment for doctors and patients.

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